October 31, 2015


I had my first bought of homesickness today and it was so strange; I honestly never to thought it would happen. I'm a girl scout for goodness sake. Today was the first day I thought "I want to go home", it lasted for 10 seconds but still. It's not that I miss home per say. I think I just miss the familiarity of my life; the routine of it. I used to just wander around DC but I think that is because I knew the city. I find myself just walking around the places I know here, wanting to venture a bit further but not doing so or looking places up, including how to get there but not going. Then I start wondering maybe I am not as adventurousness as I previously thought. When you take away favorite foods, your bed, friends and family it can be a bit overwhelming. Even my Netflix is different (and I am PISSED!) and I think it hit me today. If you follow me on Snapchat, you know I haven't been sleeping well; in fact I have not had a good night sleep since I have been here. I can't seem to get my brain to shut off so that I can sleep soundly. I do not think it is anxiety that keeps me awake but maybe just a weird subconscious need to stay connected to life back home. I am sure this isn't a post some would expect from me, assuming this experience is great all the time but if you know me, you know I have to keep it one hunna.

I think diving into this experience has been one of the best decisions of my life. (I hope it pays off with a J.O.B) I am learning a lot already. Anyway I took myself to lunch at this cute little cafe after running some errands. I sat by myself and read and I felt pretty okay with that. Now I am drinking the cutest mini bottle of wine and about to crush a chocolate eclair so life is good. I am ready to take some trips soon and there are some being planned by my social circle here; made up of some awesome ladies btw; so all is well!

I am officially obsessed with all things Elderflower/berry

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