January 29, 2016


My friend Adam and his wife moved to London last January for work and I have been meaning to get down to London to visit, since I got to England. Virgin had a flash sale and I was able to get a round trip ticket to London for 20 quid, so now seemed like the perfect time do so. It was about a 3 hour train ride from Newcastle to King's Cross station (yes, that King's Cross Harry Potter fans).It was the day that Alan Rickman passed away and so Celete and I decided to be tourist and take a picture at platform 9 3/4 , while waiting a journalist came up to us to ask me my thoughts on his death. I forgot the name of the paper but it was a cool way to enter London.

I took a pretty lazy approach to London,  the only thing I wanted to do was climb to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral for the view. My friend Megan told me it was worth the climb. Let me warn you now, that climb is not for the fare of heart, it is 528 steps to the top. I legit thought I would die, one for the sheer amount steps as well as how narrow the steps got the higher up you went. But man oh man, what a view, the view was amazing! Next to the Shard you are not going to get a better site of London.

After St. Paul's we did some casual site seeing, Celete has been to London a few times. We popped into the portrait museum to get warm and stopped by Twinnings Original store for some tea and were able to get cheap tickets to Wicked that evening, it is one of my favorite musicals and Celete had never seen it.

That weekend I got to check out Borough Market, this huge market of of the south bank, they had all the good food and drinks and things to buy. Also visited Tower of London and THE Crown Jewels, took a water taxi down to Big Ben and Parliament and finished it out with a visit to Camden market where we got to see center of the punk rock movement in London. Adam and Angie were awesome, I appreciated the relaxed way in which I got to see London.

I fell in love with the place, it spoke to my spirit and I want to end up there some how.

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